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Bilingual poetry collections as a transfer of culture and word

N.S. Sergieva

UDC [81`24:82-1](08)      


Sergieva Natalia S.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the Management and Marketing Department

Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University



The article considers the phenomenon of bilingual collections of poems by contemporay poets of the Komi Republic with parallel publication of texts of the original in Komi and translation into Russian. In such a publication, the translation becomes derived from the author’s text and the author’s creative idea. This connection becomes clear and indissoluble for the reader. Such a book unites Russian and Komi readers in one space. The quality of the translation depends on the involvement of the author in the translation process and on the skill and personality of the translator. The key motive of Komi poetry is reflections on the fate of the native land, native language and culture, considered by the example of poems by Komi poets in comparison with translations of these poems into Russian. A translator can give life to an original Komi work in a new cultural space. Translation serves as a means of language and culture transfer, education and development of the bilingual reader. High-quality translation promotes mutual understanding and cultural enrichment of peoples, and translation activity acts as adriver of intercultural communication.

Keywords: bilingual environment, transfer, poetic translation, translation quality, semantic and emotional dominant.



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