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Вооk as a genre: medieval tradition in Russian prose of 20th century (V.P. Astafiev, F.A. Abramov)

A.Yu. Bolshakova

UDC 821.161.1-3



Bolshakova Alla Yu.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The author aims to observe the phenomenon of “thinking by books” which has been born in the verbal creativity of Medieval Russia and promoted in Russian literature of the XX century but has been little studied yet. A special attention is paid to the formation of the book genre by such writers as V.P. Astafyev (“The Last Bow”, “The King-Fish”, “Zatesi”) and F.A. Abramov (“The Pure Book”). To fulfill the tasks set, the author relies on both the provisions of medieval studies and the concepts of genre theorists and historians of modern Russian literature. Definition of “book” as a specific meta-genre; dialectics of the novel and book genres is considered. A special attention is paid to the processes of formation of the “book” by uniting text elements into a super-genre unity. The author shows how the free form of the “book”, consisting of chapters and stories, provides creative freedom to the author and allows, in the medieval spirit, to expand the original version adding new and new texts to it. The article substantiates the position of the “book” as a narrative consisting of seemingly separate, but cyclically connected chapters and parts. This is a meta-genre that is becoming and moving along with historical reality. In conclusion the author of the article draws a conclusion about the productivity of genre of the book in the Village prose as a leading literary direction of the second half of the twentieth century and marks a continuation of this tradition in contemporary Russian prose.

Keywords: genre / meta-genre, book, genre tradition, Russian literature of the Middle Ages, Village prose, Astafiev, Abramov.



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