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Everyday phrases in the worldview of Russians: origins and exploration

Zhou Hongwei

UDC 811.161.1      


Zhou Hongwei,

Doctor`s degree, Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

Huzhou Normal University (Huzhou, China)


ORCID: 0000-0003-4461-1447


This study examines the origins behind the meaning of everyday phrases forming the linguistic world image of Russian speakers. A large corpus of linguistic literature concerns the lexicon and phraseology and only a few studies look at phrases as the most common forms of thought formation in everyday pragmatics. The aim of this study was to identify origins behind the meaning of everyday phrases, and analyze their role and place in the formation and presentation of the linguistic world image in linguistic pragmatics. Unlike most studies, this work examines the problem of the worldview rooted in the language through the content analysis of phrases, rather than single lexemes, and analyzes them in the context of everyday use. The study monitored 128 individuals, aged 18 to 61 years, for three days to determine what phrases they use every day. The collected linguistic data underwent statistical processing and unique categorizes were distinguished. Of these categorizes, only one is likely to convey the linguistic worldview (it contains words with a broad range of meanings and multi-level semantics). The other two categorizes reflect single characteristics of linguistic consciousness and the pragmatics of social interaction. The results of the study may be useful in establishing links between the cognitive and communicative functions of the language and creating a map of the Russian linguistic worldview for the comparative linguistic research purposes.

Keywords: linguistic worldview, linguistic consciousness, psycholinguistics, language corpus, concept, lexicon.



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