UDC 82:39
Savvinova Gulnara E.,
Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher
Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
e-mail: savgul6767@mail.ru
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9868-4962
The article deals with the images of the main heroes of Olonkho and Altai heroic epics. The material for the analysis was the texts of the Yakut olonkho “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” by P.A. Oyunsky and the Russian-language translations of the Altai heroic epics “Altyn-Bize” by E.K. Tashtamysheva, “Kan Altyn” by T.A. Chachiyakov. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the study of the main images of the Yakut and Altai epics, namely the image of the main heroes, allows us to identify the genesis of the Yakut olonkho, about their common and special features, about genetic or typological similarities, etc. The purpose of this work is to identify common and special features in the images of the main heroes of the Yakut and Altai epics. The scientific novelty of the research is determined in an attempt to make an artistic understanding of the features of the images of the main characters of olonkho P.A. Oyunsky’s “Nyurgun Bootur the Swift” and the Altai epics. Special attention is paid to the methods and techniques that contribute to the creation of the image of the main character. Analyzing the images of the main characters, the author makes an attempt to identify common and distinctive features in these traditions. The key content aspects in the creation of the image of the main character, reflecting the holistic picture of the world of peoples, are highlighted. The images of the “main assistants of the hero” that contribute to the creation of the image of the main hero are revealed: the hero's parents, heroic horses, mythological images that help in battles, participate in the fate of the main characters.
Keywords: olonkho, Altai epic, main heroes, images, epic comparison, identity and differences, national peculiarity.
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