UDC 808.1:81`24
Sergieva Natalia S.,
Doctor of Philology,
Professor of the Management and Marketing Department
Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
e-mail: nsergieva@yandex.ru
The report examines the peculiarities of bilingualism of the outstanding Russian-American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin (1898–1968) based on his archival working materials from the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). The purpose of the study is to identify and explain the linguistic features of his scientific thinking in connection with the conditions of translinguism. Based on the material of Pitirim Sorokin’s working notes, the features of his work on the creation of the book “Contemporary Sociological Theories” (1928) are considered. Correspondences between the preparatory notes and the final text of the book are established. The specifics of translingual practices in the scientific activity of a scientist are revealed. Archival manuscripts and notes allow you to trace not only the process of changing the language and switching codes. The use of a mixed meta-language by Pitirim Sorokin in the work on the preparatory materials of the book has been established. At the same time, a functional distribution of language codes is revealed. Russian language is a working tool of scientific thinking, planning and management of research activities.
Keywords: bilingualism, language change, translingual practices, multilingual text, meta-language, code-switching.
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2. Merton R.K. Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin — korifei sotsiologicheskoi mysli XX v. // Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin / per. s angl.; pod red. V.V. Sapova. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2013. S. 140–153.
3. Proshina Z.G. Translingvizm i ego prikladnoe znachenie // Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriia: Voprosy obrazovaniia: iazyki i spetsial’nost’. 2017. T. 14. No. 2. S. 155–170.
4. Sergieva N.S. K “Sovremennym sotsiologicheskim teoriiam”: rabochie zapisi Pitirima Sorokina // Nasledie. 2020. No. 2(17). S. 113–120.
5. Sorokin P.A. Contemporary sociological theories. N. Y.: Harper & Brothers, 1928. 785 p.