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Features of translation of medical texts (using the example of German medical discourse)

I.V. Telezhko

UDC 61=030.112.2=161.1   


Telezhko Irina V.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the

Department No. 5 at Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4964-0143


The problem of the adequacy of the translation of the features of lexical units in German medical texts is considered. Difficulties of lexical and terminological plan are identified and analyzed: translation of terms, borrowings, abbreviations, false friends of the translator, borrowings, eponyms. Methods and techniques of translation of problematic medical lexical units, variants of interlanguage correspondences are presented. Examples of successful overcoming of lexical and terminological difficulties in translating medical texts from German into Russian are given. The results of the study confirm the need to expand the scope of the study of professional medical discourse by considering industry lexical units in the translation of medical texts.

Keywords: medical terms, abbreviations, translator's false friends, eponyms, translation techniques.



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