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Commercial creolized texts in the language space of the modern city (based on the material of the names of enterprises in the service sector of Vladivostok)

M.Yu. Krinitskaya, P.M. Tyurin

UDC 81.161.1`42:659.1      


Krinitskaya Marina Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service



Tyurin Pavel M.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service



Article is devoted to studying of commercial creolized texts (CCT), that stand out in the communicative space of the modern Russian city. The article analyzes and describes the types of CCT presented on the business signs (evidence from enterprises of the restaurant business and clothing and footwear stores in Vladivostok) in terms of their structure and the nature of the use of verbal and non-verbal means. It is paid attention to modern approaches to the description of proper names in the context of their use in the nomination of various commercial objects and note that this area of linguistic science has not yet developed a one term for designation of this type of proper names. Nomination of commercial objects in our days is almost impossible without the use of creolizing elements, and even quiet color and absence of light oт signs of shops and enterprises of the restaurant business can be considered as a certain nominator’s strategy. In this regard, the study of the names of commercial enterprises is impossible without the analysis of non-verbal means. The analysis of the structure of the characterized units shows that very often non-duplicating images are used in the structure of the CCT, which are designed to formation of certain associations in perception of receiver, often due to a certain understatement or intended concealment by the sender his intensions. It is concluded that the different structural types of CCT in trading and services represent linguistic facts: borrowing, hypertextuality, intertextuality and globalization.

Keywords: commercial creolized text, onomastics, proper noun, ergonym, appellative vocabulary, borrowing, intertextuality, hypertextuality.



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