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The secret “Country of Bondaletiya” (Review on the collection dedicated to V.D. Bondaletov)

Iu.N. Dracheva

Country of Bondaletiya: сollection of papers in memory of Vasily Danilovich Bondaletov (1928–2018), Russian Linguist, Professor of Penza State University. L.S. Kirillova, E.F. Shustikova, G.M. Kirillov (comps.). O.V. Nikitin (ed). Penza: IP «Sokolov A.Yu.», 2019. 264 p.


UDC 81:89-32


Dracheva Iuliya N.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language,

Media Studies and the Theory of Communication Department

Vologda State University



In the paper, the collection of scientific works and memoirs of colleagues and students of Professor Vasily Danilovich Bondaletov is described. The analysis of the articles presented in the memorial collection shows that the directions of the studies of V.D. Bondaletov reflect promising trends of modern linguistics: the study of social dialects, argotic vocabulary, folk speech, onomastics, stylistics of the Russian literary language. Considering the two-part composition of the collection, which combines biographical notices and scientific studies, the author denotes the importance of memorial publications for the academic sphere and comments on the possible readers of the collection, such as linguists, historians, culturologists, and other specialists.

Keywords: V.D. Bondaletov, history of linguistics, sociolinguistics, onomastics, dialectology, stylistics.


1. Nikitin O.V. Sotsial’nye dialekty kak osobyi tip iazyka (ob issledovaniiakh argoticheskikh mikrosistem prof. V.D. Bondaletova) // Chetvertye Polivanovskie chteniia: sb. nauch. st. po materialam dokladov i soobshchenii (Smolensk, 19–20 maia 1998 g.). Ch. 2: Leksika. Frazeologiia. Slovoobrazovanie. Smolensk, 1998. S. 24–37.