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Level analysis of the lexical incarnations of the relgious picture of the world in poetry

P.A. Yakimov, Yu.G. Pykhtina
80,00 ₽

UDC 81`42:2-23


Yakimov Petr A.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor

the Russian Language and Methods of

Teaching Russian Language Department

Orenburg State Pedagogical University



Pykhtina Yuliana G.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of

the Russian Philology and Methods of

Teaching Russian Language Department

Orenburg State University



This article proposes a variant of the level analysis of the lexical incarnations of the religious picture of the world in poetry, which will reveal and describe the connections between various religious ideas in poetry of different styles and different eras in order to find the universal and unique. The study used structural and functional analysis of vocabulary. The research describes approaches to the analysis of lexemes that embody the religious picture of the world in poetry, and their textual functions; an example is given of identifying the potential of lexemes to express the features of a particular poetic model of the embodiment of the religious picture of the world in poetry.

Keywords: religious picture of the world, religious ideas, lexical incarnations, models, functions.



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