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The formula of love: mythopoetics of K. Simonov’s cycle “With you and without you”

I.N. Korzhova
80,00 ₽

UDC 821.161.1-1    


Korzhova Inessa N.,

Candidate of Philology, Doctoral student of the

History of Modern Russian Literature and

Modern Literary Process Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University



The article is devoted to the study of the concept of spiritual and physical love in K. Simonov’s cycle “With you and without you” and reveal the mythopoetic foundations of the images of the cycle. The poet builds a system of binary oppositions formed by two rows: soul — light — visual perception — eyes — sound — written word, on the one hand, and body — darkness — tactile perception — hands and lips — silence — spoken word, on the other. The separate pairs of images based on the Slavic beliefs, but their correlation is the author’s neomyth. A special role belongs to the sacred word, which is understood not as a conventional sign, but as part of the designated entity. The psychophysical dichotomy itself is connected with the duality of the heroine, who either experiences a conflict between the spiritual and the physical, or is endowed with two souls. The latter aspect, as well as the ability of the heroine to incarnate in the vortex elements strengthen her connection with the images of evil spirits. There is a deliberate tension between the subjective assessment of the hero, who sees in the night appearance of the heroine a good essence, and the mythological perception of the night as dangerous, even fatal. In general, fluctuations in the assessment of the image of the heroine and the preference for different faces of love (exalted spiritual, passionate, harmonious “two-component” ones) create the internal dynamics of the cycle.

Keywords: K. Simonov, mythopoetics, binary oppositions, soul and body, werewolf, love lyrics,

“With you and without you”.



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