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Gratitude and empathy transfer (Persian-Russian parallels)

M. Moradi, M. Shafaghi, T. Goryachkovskaya

UDC 81`27


Moradi Maryam,

Senior Lecturer of the Russian Language Department

Allameh Tabataba’i University (Tehran, Iran)


Shafaghi Maryam,

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department

Allameh Tabataba’i University (Tehran, Iran)


Goryachkovskaya Tatiana,

Graduate of the Specialty “Translation and Translation Studies” (Persian)

Moscow State Linguistic University



The subject of this scientific article is the study of empathy as a phenomenon of sincerity and politeness in the Russian and Persian linguocultural environments. The manifestation of such empathy towards the addressee can be transmitted verbally through the speech act of gratitude. Gratitude-empathy is formed with the help of speech acts of wish, request-supplication / request-oath and influences: compliment and praise. She expresses empathy and sincere attitude towards the addressee of the speech. In addition, the Iranian ceremony is characteristic of the Persian linguocultural environment, more precisely the Iranian taarof as the realities of the jinzi of Iranians, which is absent in the cultural life of other peoples, including Russians.

Keywords: speech etiquette, expressives, influences, empathy, sincerity, gratitude.




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