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The bilingual nature of the Russian literary language in scientific polemics and verbal culture of XVIII century

O.I. Valentinova, O.V. Nikitin

UDC 81`24"17"            


Valentinova Olga I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of

the Department of General and Russian Linguistics

RUDN University


Nikitin Oleg V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of

the Russian Language Department

Petrozavodsk State University



The bilingual nature of the Russian literary language and its reflection in the scientific polemics and literary practice of the XVIII century are considered. Special attention is paid to the complexity of the language situation caused by the change in the vector of bilingualism: the change of Russian-Church Slavonic bilingualism to Russian-European in the era of historical changes. The increasing role of the semantics of European languages in the formation of the Russian literary language of the secular period is noted. The authors emphasize that the conflict trends in the XVIII century were determined by a number of factors: the transformation of public consciousness, historically determined features of the structure of the Russian literary language, ideological priorities and the life position of reformers (Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Sumarokov, etc.). It is said that by the end of the XVIII century the French language is fixed as an intermediary between two cultural worlds — Russia and France. It becomes the most popular language in literature and everyday communication of representatives of secular culture. The authors of the article cite facts showing the rejection of mechanical Francophonie by Russian educators in the scientific polemics of the XVIII century. The rivalry of European languages (German, French) in determining the nature of bilingualism of so-called New period is revealed and analyzed. The conclusion is made about the contradictory nature of the process of europeanization of the Russian elite, which perceived Russian-French bilingualism as the key to world culture, and the emerging national consciousness in its appeal to the origins of the Russian-Church Slavonic bilingualism of pre-Peter Rus. The practical significance of the research is to extrapolate the experience of historical bilingualism of the Russian literary language to the study and assessment of changes taking place in the ethnic and linguistic consciousness of modern society, and the formation of multicultural tolerance.

Keywords: XVIII century, language situation, europeanization of culture, Russian literary language, scientific polemics, Russian-French bilingualism.



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