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Varlam Shalamov. Rilke and Drozhzhin

M.Yu. Koreneva

UDC 82-94


Koreneva Marina Yu.,

Candidate of Philology, Leading Researcher

Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House)

of the Russian Academy of Sciences



In the publication V.T. Shalamov’s notes of the early 1970s about the meeting of the famous Austrian poet R.M. Rilke with the peasant poet S.D. Drozhzhin are introduced into academic study for the first time. The meeting took place in 1900 during Rilke’s second trip to Russia. The notes preserved in Shalamov’s archives represent preliminary observations for the future essay, which remained unfinished. The introductory article traces the history of Shalamov’s acquaintance with Rilke’s work and reconstructs Rilke’s image as perceived by Shalamov in the context of his biography and work. It also reconstructs, on the basis of letters and notebooks, the stages of an unrealized plan related to the theme of “Rilke and Drozhzhin”, suggested to Shalamov by B.L. Pasternak, but read by him in the subjective optics of the poet, who considered his main achievement “understanding of nature”. This subjective optics, which distinguishes Shalamov’s text from all subsequent interpretations of this historical and literary plot, is manifested especially clearly in the correlation of the figures of Rilke and Drozhzhin with Soviet writers who were Shalamov’s contemporaries (Tvardovsky, Dzhambul, Stalsky, etc.). The new archival material makes it possible to supplement the picture of the Soviet “Rilkeana” and to expand the understanding of Shalamov’s range of interests.


Keywords: V.T. Shalamov’s archive, biography of V. Shalamov, R.M. Rilke, S.D. Drozhzhin, B.L. Pasternak, Russian-European cultural ties of the Soviet era.




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