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Deixis methodology for the study of folk tale semantics

A.A. Osmushina, A.A. Gagaev, P.A. Gagaev

UDC 81`42


Osmushina Anastasia A.,

Candidate of Philosophy,

Associate Professor of the English Language

for Professional Communication Department

Ogarev Mordovia State University


Gagaev Andrei A.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor


Gagaev Pavel Alexandrovich

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,

Professor of the Pedagogy Department

Penza State University



Deixis study is a part of cosmo-psycho-logical and psycho-semantic study of folktales. Growing interest to their flexion and study of the sociological, psychological and philosophical categories in the language determines the relevance of our work. The aim of the work is to formulate a methodology for the deixis study of folk tales’ semantics. The material of the study is works of the tale researchers and works of the researchers of methods and models of scientific cognition. The research methods include the comparative-evolutionary historical principle of cognition in the model of the cultural-typical method of cognition in the CPL system with the recognition of the differences priority of differences and the similarities secondary role, the formation of psycho-semantics, deixis semantics of folk tales models, a comparative research of the ethnic tales and epics types. The results demonstrate thatthe deixis methodology allows us to perform a comparative analysis of the ethnic meaning of the folk tale. The forms of ethnic relative deixis are a formalization of subjects, objects, and the effectiveness of action in history, and relative assessments. Ethnic social deixis reveals the logic of the chronotope of social interactions and their social meaning, meliorative, admirative, pejorative, desiderative, inherent and adherent, and fear assessments. Ethnic nominative deixis is the formalization by linguistic means of roles in intuitional situations of life, recursion, and ethnic assessments. Ethnic indicative deixis reveals estimates of aspiration. Ethnic absolute deixis reveals absolute estimates of the ideal/final result of history.

Keywords: cosmo-psycho-logical methodology, deixis methodology, the ethnic meaning of the folk tale, the difference in the meanings of folk tales, the difference in similarities.



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