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Frame determinism of artistic narrative

S.V. Gusarenko, M.C. Gusarenko

UDC 81`42


Gusarenko Sergey V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Russian Language

Culture for Technical Specialties Department

Humanitarian Institute

North Caucasus Federal University


Gusarenko Marina K.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Romance-Germanic

Linguistics and Linguodidactics Department

Humanitarian Institute

North Caucasus Federal University



The article presents the results of a study undertaken to study the nature and degree of determinism of the plot semantics of artistic narrative by frame structures that serve as the basis of this narrative. The research focused on questions about the properties of frames that predetermine the deployment of narrative (determinant frames); questions about the nature of the connection between plot-forming frames (interframe transitions); questions about the nature, perspective and degree of imperativeness of the constraints imposed by the determinant frames on the deployment of the narrative. It is concluded that the frame as a meaningful unit of the meaning of the text has prospective semantics, from which it follows that any frame that forms the main storyline in the narrative prescribes each functional component of its composition, first of all, the first and second terms, predicates and basic sirconstrants, defined trajectories of further existence in the plot. The assumption is confirmed that the organization of artistic narrative is determined by both superframes-determinants and superstructures that form thematic sequences of macrostructures. The experience of constructing a graphical two-level model of the frame semantics of artistic narrative is presented, the comparison of this model with the representation of the frame in the FrameNet system is carried out. It was also concluded that the systematic and consistent description of the plot-content semantics of the narrative as a kind of literary text requires the same consistent and systematic description of the semantic-syntactic frames that form this semantics. In the systematic description of the frame semantics of narrative, special attention should be paid to predicates of nuclear propositions, since it is their semantic valences that determine the filling of the terminals of semantic-syntactic frames and their description gives explanatory power to the description of the semantic structure of frames. The authors see the prospect of the research in the systematic description of the frame semantics of the narrative with the involvement of the resources of the FrameBank project.

Keywords: narrative, frame, determinant, prospective semantics, model, FrameNet, nuclear predicate.



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