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The idea and art specificity of the novel by Oles Ulianenko “There, where the South is”

F.M. Shteinbuk

UDC 821.161.2-3 


Shteinbuk Feliks M.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian and

East European Studies Department

Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia)



The article suggests an alternative, in comparison to the traditional national literary studies, analysis of the novel “There, where the South is” written by one of the most talented and at the same time most controversial Ukrainian authors Oles Ulianenko. The suggested hypothesis is that the novel content is defined not by moral-ethic imperatives but by the anthropology of oblivion related to the chopped off head with its symbolic meaning which is interpreted basing on the structural and psychoanalytical aesthetics of J. Lacan. Due to these two factors the conclusions are made that the novel narrative is conditioned by the forgotten events which continue gnawing the narrator-protagonist because the latter found himself incapable to live through those events but who tried to do so by means of telling the story in the genre of a novel. Thus, Oles Ulianenko becomes not a creator of «almost sacred texts» (O. Solovei) but the author who, in the process of human formation, this time taking place «there, where the South is», discovers dramatic sense in the heroes’ overcoming themselves, society and their being.

Кeywords: Oles Ulianenko, “There, where the South is”, idea and art specificity, anthropology of oblivion, structural and psychoanalytical aesthetics, symbolic, image of a head chopped off, formation.



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