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Textual representation of emotions in Somerset Maugham’s “The Moon and Sixpence”

Sh.A. Kulieva, U.A. Ovezova

UDC 821.111-3    


Kulieva Sheker A.,

Candidate of History, Associate Professor of the

Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Ovezova Umeda A.,

Candidate of History, Associate Professor of the

Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



Somerset Maugham is one of the most “emotionally intense” authors in English literature. His greatest works always reveal the “inner life of the individual” (E. Etkind), a person’s susceptibility to various transformations under the influence of feelings and states (“Theater”, “Of Human Bondage”, “The Moon and Sixpence”). At the same time, the emotions being retransmitted when translating a literary text is one of the most difficult tasks in translation theory. As representatives of the architectonic to comprehend the world, emotions are always culturally specific and often do not have equivalents in another mentality and another language. Such are, for example, the English-language concepts (which, in turn, “explain” the emotion) “melancholia”, “blues” and others. The purpose of this work is to explain semantically the category of “emotionality” and understand its ideological and thematic significance in a literary text by comparing the material of two languages — the original English and Russian as the target language. The methods we have taken in the process of working on the text: descriptive, explanatory, emotion thematisation, denotative analysis, emotive analysis, hermeneutic, conceptual, and selective (method of sampling passionary couplings that is slots). Research hypothesis: The category of emotionality is involved in the reconstruction of characters’ images at the level of text perception (the theory of respondents). The means to retransmit emotions when translating a text depends on the mental attitudes of different ethnic groups, therefore, it is necessary to identify “intersection points” that are equally acceptable both for the original text and for its translation.

Keywords: emotionality / emotivity, markers of emotion representation, equivalence, non-equivalence, literary translation, S. Maugham, “The Moon and Sixpence”.



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