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Objective and subjective in V.M. Peskov’s metaphorics

N.A. Gerasimenko, V.V. Ledeneva, T.E. Shapovalova

UDC 821.161.1-92:070   


Gerasimenko Natalia А.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Modern Russian Language Department named after Prof. P.A. Lekant

Moscow State Regional University



Ledeneva Valentina V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Modern Russian Language Department named after Prof. P.A. Lekant 

Moscow State Regional University



Shapovalova Tatiana E.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Modern Russian Language Department named after Prof. P.A. Lekant

Moscow State Regional University



The article considers the features of metaphorics in the journalism of Vasily Mikhailovich Peskov — a well-known publicist, TV-presenter, traveler and nature expert. The appeal to journalism in terms of the study of the figurative and aesthetic side of its texts determines the relevance of the article. The novelty is connected with the consideration in the linguistic aspect of the means of translating the objective and subjective in the metaphorical comparison of nature and human in journalistic texts, which characterizes the features of the pragmatic attitudes and worldview of the author’s linguistic personality. The aim is to describe the objective and subjective in V.M. Peskov’s metaphorics in the light of the evaluation of idiostyle features, which are manifested in the selection and combination of language resources. Research methods: general scientific (observation, analysis, synthesis), structural-semantic, elements of component analysis in combination with contextual analysis. The practical and theoretical significance of the research is connected with the conclusion that the comparison of nature and human, with the realization of their inseparability in the unifying field of life, is the main motive of all V.M. Peskov’s journalistic activity; with the first characterization of lexicalized units in various syntactic functions as metaphors; showing the role of bisubstantial sentences in creating a metaphor. The materials can be used in the further study of the idiostyle of V.M. Peskov, in the author’s lexicography, when reading university courses in stylistics, language of the media.

Keywords: V.M. Peskov’s journalism, objective, subjective, metaphor, picture of the world, idiostyle.



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