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A. Block in the artistic world of V. Pelevin

M. Yan, E.I. Kolesnikova

UDC 82.161.1  


Yan Meiping,

Candidate of Philology, Postdoctoral student

of Foreign Languages and Literature Department

Shandong University (China)


Kolesnikova Elena I.,

Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher of the

Modern Literature Department

Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Science (Pushkin House)



The article considers the various methods used by V. Pelevin in order to address the legacy of A. Blok. The writer shows that Pelevin quotes and refers to Blok indirectly, through the presence of his mythologemes in the modern mass consciousness. Through quotation, the reader is led into discourses formed in the cultural and informational space from which the imagery and problems of Pelevin’s works are constructed. This analysis of Pelevin’s references to Blok shows how in contemporary collective consciousness the various elements of Blok’s heritage have, for the main part, taken on displaced or reduced meanings. For the first time we note the typological similarity of the writer’s creative strategies with the modernist assimilation of the new media reality. Pelevin’s direct reference to Blok's article “Poetry of Charms and Spells” and its artistic interpretation confirms that Pelevin’s work has a consistent and central educational aim: the exposure of manipulative technologies and deconstructing of “zombification”. This somewhat complicates the conventional view of Pelevin’s work as being a variant of postmodernism, a literary movement usually considered to lack any such positive programme.

Keywords: A. Blok, V. Pelevin, quotation, story “The Crystal World”, discursiveness, word impact, post-modernism.




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