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Myth of L.N. Tolstoy in the creative mind of M.A. Voloshin

V.V. Kuryanova

UDC 821.581-3


Kuryanova Valeriya V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of the Russian and Foreign Literature Department

Vernadsky Crimea Federal University



The article, based on the material of M.A. Voloshin’s work, examines the elements of Tolstoy’s myth. The biographical myth of L.N. Tolstoy, which has been actively developing for a century and a half until today, but at the beginning of the 20th century, when Tolstoy’s departure from his own home became popular, it became especially relevant. The structure of the Tolstoy’s myth is analyzed, the mythologies associated with it (mythologized constant representations) created and reproduced by M.A. Voloshin in accordance with his own poetic worldview, personal attitude to the work and personality of L.N. Tolstoy. In the light of the problem posed, the author examines the poet's books “The Burning Bush” and “The Ways of Cain”. Attention is focused on the originality of Tolstoy’s text in the creative heritage of Voloshin, based on the proximity of worldviews, the sacralization of the image of the great writer. The poet interprets Tolstoy's mythologem about non-resistance to evil by violence in a completely new way. In the attempts of the great artist to protect himself and others from evil, Voloshin sees the reason for his tragic departure from Yasnaya Polyana. The question is raised about the features of the perception of this myth in the culture and literature of the first third of the XX century.

Keywords: biographical myth, myth of L.N. Tolstoy, Russian literature of the 20th century, M.A. Voloshin.



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