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Translators about translation(s): сonversations across times and cultures

O.R. Demidova


Demidova Olga R.,

Doctor science in Philosophy, Professor; Philosophy Department,

Leningrad State University n.a. A.S. Pushkin, Professor;

MARKA International Program, European University in St. Petersburg



The article based on the Russian XVIII–XXI century translators’ writings (forewords, after words, commentaries, interviews, letters, memoirs, etc.) presents a conceptual diachronic overview of the history of translation and translation philosophy in Russia as (re)assessed by the translators themselves. The major points and problems analyzed are those of the role and function of translation in the Russian culture; the history of translation in Russia and developing of the genre paradigm in the Russian literature; the range of issues addressed by the translators of different times and their correlation with the tasks faced by the Russian literature; the phenomenological, aesthetic, and existential role of translation activity as seen by the translators.

Keywords: translation, language, literature, genre paradigm, function, role, types of translation, translation strategies, phenomenology, aesthetics.



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