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Influence of linguistic features of texts of standards on information search

Iu.I. Butenko, E.L. Semenova


Butenko Iulia I.,

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

of the English for Engineering Majors Department

Bauman Moscow State Technical University



Semenova Ekaterina L.,

Associate Professor of the Germanic and  Roman Languages Department           

Bauman Moscow State Technical University



The article describes the influence of compositional, lexical and syntactic features in texts of standards on the results of automated information retrieval. The analysis showed that their distinctive features are compositional structure, generalized and abstract character at the lexical and grammatical levels of the language system, wide use of modal verbs. It is shown that the results of information retrieval in the collection of standards are significantly influenced with their structure. The texts of the standards are distinguished by compositional harmony and logical sequence of fixing the material, compactness and compactness. It is noted that the standards are written with a single strictly established scheme and contain a certain set of elements: the title page, preface, content, introduction, title, scope, regulatory references, terms and definitions, symbols and abbreviations, requirements to the object of standardization, applications and bibliographic data. The description of structural elements of standards is given. It is provided fragment of the content of the standard.

Keywords: information retrieval, standard, regulatory framework, compositional structure, hierarchically structured text, language for special purposes.




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