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Realization of authorial evidentiality in modern artistic discourse

D.V. Kozlovsky


Kozlovsky Dmitry V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of

the Foreign Languages Department

Saratov Socio-Economic Institute, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



Thе article deals with lexical means of expressing evidential meanings in the English literary discourse. The given analysis of different evidential classifications makes it possible to name the fundamental principles of this category. It is formed by means of personal experience, attesting, citing and retelling of different pieces of information. However, the rendered knowledge might have direct and indirect nature. The necessity of marking the role of subject of communication leads to changes in evidentiality examination approach, changing its grammatical scope. In terms of linguosynergetics, evidentiality belongs to modus categories as it allows perceiving, interpreting and transferring information after its mental estimation. The linguosynergetic analysis makes it possible to identify evidential discursive context, representing “situational component” and also “speech component”, realized by means of “epiphase” and “prophase”. The modus frame of an evidential utterance is formed by means of the speaker’s reference to evidential operators: verbs, parenthetical modal words, adverbs, nouns, adjectives and collocations. The study of evidential functions in literary discourse is impossible without identifying the source of evidential statement. It leads to differentiation between author’s speech and characters’ speech. The specifics of evidentiality markers representation is the reason to focus on author’s speech and allows to give definition and describe the performance of “authorial evidentiality” in discourse.

Keywords: evidentiality, modus category, linguosynergetics, disourse, epiphase, prophase.




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