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Ancient Chinese precedent texts in contemporary Chinese political discourse (based on congratulatory speeches of president Xi Jinping)

O.A. Melnichuk, Qi Hongwei
80,00 ₽

UDC 811.581`42:32                           


Melnichuk Olga A.,

Doctor of Philology,

Professor of the French Philology Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University


Qi Hongwei,

PhD student of the French Philology Department

Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University



Since its inception, modern Chinese political discourse has been heavily influenced by traditional cultural thought, Confucianism’s idea of a people-oriented and benevolent government; the Taoist idea of atheism and the Taoist law of nature; the legist idea of governance by law, etc. These concepts have a very profound influence on the language of political discourse in the new period. The political discourses of various periods and dynasties in antiquity had an equally important influence on the political language of the new period leader Xi Jinping. Ancient Chinese precedent texts are an important object of study in Chinese modern linguistics, because they are related to the system of Chinese civilization and reflect the specifics of the interaction of language, thought and traditional culture. The presence of ancient Chinese precedent texts characterizes Chinese traditional linguocultures, representing different perceptions of existing values and ways of perceiving the picture of the world. The presence of ancient Chinese precedent texts is a prerequisite for successful speech in Chinese political discourse. The semantic and contextual analysis of congratulatory speeches in the structure of Xi Jinping’s discourse shows the role of precedent texts from 礼记 (“Book of Rituals”), 周易 (“Zhou Yi”), 道德经 (“Dao De Jing”), which not only function as tools of persuasion and motivation for the recipients to rally, but also development of traditional Chinese culture.

Keywords: congratulatory speech, ancient Chinese precedent texts, political discourse, functioning, characteristics.




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