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Russian language in the speech culture of bilingual students: dynamic analysis

L.P. Dianova, N. Schennikova, E.V. Polyakova

UDC 81`24.161.1             


Dianova Lyudmila P.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language for Foreign Students Department

Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


Shchennikova Nina V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Polyakova Elena V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the

Russian Language and its Teaching Methods Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The purpose of this article is a dynamic analysis of the transformations taking place in the speech culture of bilingual students of the post-Soviet space. Russian-foreign bilingualism, as our survey shows, has undergone a certain reconfiguration over the past decade. Previous experiments convincingly proved that the Russian language is dominant in the speech culture of bilingual students, which was due to a number of estralinguistic and linguistic-functional factors. Autochthonous languages in the cognitive structure of students occupied a less stable position and were communicatively limited even in conditions of microdiscursive functioning. It was safe to say that Russian was the core of the linguistic consciousness of bilingual students. Today the situation has changed. The role of autochthonous languages is signified. The Russian language still remains a communicative dominant, providing the basic communicative needs of the individual (including the need for training and the formation of professional competencies), however, it is gradually shifting from the core towards the center, which may indicate that linguo-constructive functions in the future may be lost, and new ones associated with the ethnically primary language have not yet been formed (taking into account the small historical time), which will entail the phenomenon of mass semilingualism.

Keywords: bilingualism, Russian-foreign bilingualism, speech culture, social survey.



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