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Globolocalization versus Russophony: the search for an alternative to hybridity and cross-cultural situation

Ye.V. Bilchenko

UDC 130.2:80       


Bilchenko Evgeniia V.,

Doctor of Culturology, Associate Professor,

Leading Researcher at the Institute of Cultural Studies

National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv



The relevance of the research topic is due to social contradictions caused by the proliferation of glovolocalization, transculturation and translocality projects in the global culture, associated with the active implementation of the manipulative practices of adaptation of linguistic and cultural locuses to the global market. Hybridity as a basic property of postmodernity requires the interpretation of these projects on the basis of new methodological premises: philosophy of media, structuralism and poststructuralism, critical theory. The neoliberal hehemony lays in the basis of these projects an imaginary tolerant cross-cultural phenomenon, which often makes it difficult to identify the deepest paradoxes of their repressiveness. The central project of cross-culture today is glocalism. The aim of the research is to carry out a comparative analysis of global localization and Russophony as alternative (pragmatic and ethical) ways of resolving hybrid conflicts between cultures and finding ways of dialogue at the global (world) and local (Russian) levels. As a result of the analysis of materials on glocalization, the author comes to the conclusion about the existence of a number of legitimate contradictions in glocalism, the main ones of which are: the contradiction between capital and labor, time and space; the contradiction between ethical universalism and the economic particularism of the market; the contradiction between the imaginary freedom of horizontal communication and the asymmetric governing structure of organized haos; the contradiction between transnational companies and the state, which risks losing its national and civilizational subjectivity; the contradiction between the promises to the regions from transnational companies and the real possibilities of the regions; double codes in relation to protest movements in globalist and anti-globalist regions. As an alternative to glocalization in relation to Russia and a number of other countries, including Ukraine, we propose a solidarity project of Russophony as a mechanism of linguistic solidarization of cultural subjects on civilizational, cultural and symbolic grounds.

Keywords: transculturation, translocality, locus, hybridity, glocalism, global localization, critical theory, collegiality, Russophony.



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