UDC 811.133.1
Vetchinova Marina N.,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Foreign Languages and Professional Communication Department
Kursk State University
e-mail: marx2003@list.ru
The article analyzes the place and role of the French language in the linguistic picture of the world, provides figures that characterize its position. The article shows the history of the creation and modern activities of the International Organization of Francophone Countries, as well as the history of the emergence of the term “Francophonie”, the angles of its use are noted. It contains data on the use of the French language on the African continent, and makes reasonable guesses about where it will occupy in Africa in the future. The article deals with the activities of the French state and international public institutions to popularize the French language in the world. It draws attention to initiatives to promote French. Information about the study of the French language in various countries is presented, the special role of teachers in its study is emphasized, the difficulties of competing with the English language are highlighted. Thanks to given mathematical calculations one can already assume an important role and significant place of French among other world languages in the middle of the XXI century.
Keywords: French, Francophonie, International Organization of Francophonie, University agency of Francophonie.
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