UDC 82.091:821
Nasibova Sevinj Kh.,
Candidate of Philology, Lecturer
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
e-mail: sevinc.n@mail.ru
The purpose of the article is the comparative analysis of female images in F.M. Dostoevsky’s and J. Fowles’s novels. The basic method applied in given research is the method of the comparative analysis F.M. Dostoevsky’s and J. Fowles’s novels. Dostoevsky and Fowles are in searches of root of all evil. Both of them are assured that in human spirit are indissolubly merged kindly and angrily, God and Satan. In a shower of hero Dostoevsky indissolubly merge “an ideal of the Madonna” with “an ideal Sodom”. The woman is present at a life of the man as elements. The woman is only temptation and passion of men. In female images of the writer, unlike man’s characters, there is no change at soul level. Unlike Dostoevsky, products of Fowles testify to constant interest of the writer to a problematic “eternal feminist”. In novels of Fowles of the woman have the personal space. Dostoevsky’s heroes submit to life laws; they through great suffering come to humility. But heroes of Fowles to themselves create laws and submit only to the rules. The article contains important conceptual conclusions on the problems of the realistic novel of the 19th century and the postmodern novel of the 20th centuries, defines the peculiarities of the traditions of F.M. Dostoevsky and J. Fowles. The presented work provides an opportunity to take a fresh look at the cult works written in the 19th–20th centuries. F.M. Dostoevsky as the “founder” of neo-mythological consciousness — the cultural paradigm of the 20th century — gave J. Fowles valuable “tips” against the background of modern literary thought and his comparison with the mythopoetic thought of the English writer was especially embodied in mythological premises associated with the sphere of deepest questions of ethics and religious metaphysics.
Keywords: female images, love and hatred, good and harm, influence, novel.
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