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Translingual poetry by Rupi Kaur

Sh.A. Kulieva, N. Schennikova

UDC 821.111(540)-1 


Kulieva Sheker A.,

Candidate of History,

Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Shchennikova Nina V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The article is devoted to understanding the problem of translingualism in modern English poetry. Based on the research of domestic and foreign scientists, the authors come to the conclusion that translingualism is not only the practice of switching codes and the ability of the author to create in a language that is learned for him, but also the creation of a special type of narrative, which is built on the basis of the logic of an ethnically primary culture: its patterns, archetypal substrates, key themes and motifs. The material of the article was the works of the modern Canadian writer of Indian origin Rupi Kaur, in particular, the book of poems the sun and her flowers. In the zone of special interest is the chapter “Acceleration”, devoted to the problems of immigration, the search for ontological coordinates, identity and language.

Keywords: translingualism, narrative, immigration, Sikhism, identity, Rupi Kaur.



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