UDC 81`25
Iarkina Lyudmila P.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the
Russian Language Department
Institute of the Russian Language
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-6050-4417
e-mail: Ludanata@gmail.com
Pougachev Ivan A.,
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the
Russian Language Department
Institute of the Russian Language
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
ORCID: 0000-0002-0159-8898
e-mail: pugachev-ivan@mail.ru
The current stage in the development of translation studies is characterized by the refusal to describe the translation process only as a method of interlingual transformation. More and more researchers consider it within the framework of interlingual and intercultural communication, where the purpose of the translated text and its communicative function are of decisive importance. Translation began to be perceived not only as a clash of languages, but also as a clash of cultures, in which ideology plays a significant role. The authors of the article propose their own working definition. By considering situations in which the ideological aspect affects the translator's work, the authors aim at helping translators evaluate whether ideological recontextualization may be desirable while dealing with discrepancies in ideological contexts between the author, readers of the source text, and the target audience of the transmitted content. The article includes instructions on how to identify problematic ideological elements, what parameters to take into account in order to see properly the differences between just culture and cultural elements with ideological overtones.
Keywords: ideology, source text, target audience, ideological camp, intercultural communication.
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