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Russian paremiological picture of the world from the standpoint of Chinese linguistic culture’s bearer

E.V. Polyakova, Lü Siqi


UDC 81`27


Polyakova Elena V.,

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language

and Methods of its Teaching Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


Lü Siqi,

PhD student of the Russian Language and

Methods of its Teaching Department

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The relevance of this study is due to the growing need for successful intercultural cooperation between representatives of Chinese and Russian cultures. Due to objective extra-linguistic factors, there is an intensive exchange of knowledge between China and Russia. The flow of Chinese students to Russia is increasing; in the learning process, they are interested not so much in learning the functioning of the Russian language system, but in understanding the “Russian world”. This process can be hampered by the discrepancy between the original and the perceived cultures. To overcome this barrier, it is necessary to form such knowledge that will be in demand and understandable to a cultural outsider, therefore, there is a need for an explanatory study. The purpose of this work is to study the conceptual complex “Life — Death”, implemented in the Russian linguistic picture of the world, from the position of a bearer of Chinese linguistic consciousness. We are trying to analyze those stages of acculturation that a representative of a different linguistic culture overcomes in the process of mastering a new conceptual reality for him. It is important to take into account that a linguistic personality, formed in the context of the original culture, acts according to the principle of Omnea mea mecum porto: “one’s own culture” becomes for him a starting point in the epistemological process, the background against which the actualization of new meanings unfolds. Research methods: descriptive method, conceptual analysis, linguo-culturological commenting method, contextual analysis, corpus method, questioning.

Keywords: linguoculturology, Chinese linguistic picture of the world, Russian linguistic picture of the world, concept “Life — Death”, paremiological base.



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