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At the crossroads of Georgian and Russian cultures

V.P.Sinyachkin, T.E. Vladimirova, Kh.A. Khatiashvili


UDC 811.161.1`24+811.353.1`24        


Sinyachkin Vladimir P.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the Russian Language and Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

SPIN-код: 8057-9562, AuthorID: 436181


Vladimirova Tatyana E.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Lecturer of the Russian Language and

Intercultural Communication Department

Institute of the Russian Language

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

SPIN: 2859-4934, AuthorID: 543796


Khatiashvili Khatia A.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Slavic Studies Department

Tbilisi State University named after Ivane Javakhishvili (Georgia)



This article is devoted to a conceptual analysis of the basic values of Russian and Georgian linguistic cultures — the concept of “bread”, which is included in the repertoire of the most recurrent axiologemes of national language pictures of the world. The authors of the work come to the conclusion that the value picture of the world serves as a teleological vector for the development of culture. At the level of a descriptive essay, the work establishes a correlation between the mentality and the value level of the picture of the world. The corpus of texts (dictionary, paremiological, artistic) of the Russian and Georgian languages, in which the concept of “bread” is represented, served as an illustrative material for the analysis. Typical convergences and divergences of concepts in cognizable cultures are established. The conclusion is made about the common perception of the value of “bread”, which is based on the foundation of Christian culture.

Keywords: mentality, linguistic picture of the world, dialogue of cultures, Russian Worldview, Georgian Worldview, value, concept, “bread”, “vine”.



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