UDC 81`24
Novikova Marina L.,
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language and
Cultural Studies Department
Russian Language Institute
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
e-mail: novikova-ml@rudn.ru
Novikov Phillip N.,
Сandidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the
Foreign Languages Department
Law Institute
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
e-mail: philippnovikov@gmail.com
The research focuses on the influence of translingualism on the establishment of language worldview. Due to the relevance of the problem, the article sets the task to investigate the influence of translingualism on the formation of the language worldview as a process of perceiving the environment through its color components through the prism of speakers of different languages. Based on the observation of translingual connections that arise between linguistic and color stimuli, the key idea is illustrated that a number of patterns that manifest themselves in the interaction between native and foreign languages indicate that the diversity of languages creates different mental angles and projections of color term awareness. This study is based on the results of an experiment conducted among speakers of 15 different languages. This perspective of the study allows us to substantiate that awareness and perception of color terms in different languages reflect the complementarity of language processes, their dynamism, deep qualitative and quantitative features. The language worldview is a reflection of the objective color spectrum in its specific interpretation and is characteristic of representatives of different cultures. It fixes the features of its perception and the specifics of language associations, indicates that they have acquired new semantic connections and leads to creation of new meanings.
Keywords: translingualism, worldview, color terms, congnitive linguistics, language proficiency.
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