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Bilingualism of Moscovite Rus’ and its reflection in literary monuments of the XVI century

O.I. Valentinova, O.V. Nikitin

UDC 81`24"15"                  


Valentinova Olga I.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the of General Linguistics Department

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Nikitin Oleg V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Language Department

Petrozavodsk State University



The article examines the problem of bilingualism in literary monuments of the XVI century. A brief digression into the history of the study of this issue in the Russian linguistic tradition is given. The conservatism existing in scientific practice in the consideration of semiotic processes, which are often reduced only to the opposition “Church Slavonic — Old Russian”, is emphasized. The richness of stylistic forms and speech formulas in the language practice of the XVI century is noted. The polemical works of this period are analyzed in order to identify and prove the unevenness of bilingualism and its dependence on socio-cultural conditions, the linguistic personality of the author, the genre of the literary monument and axiological characteristics that are indirectly included in the text. Historical-linguistic, contextual-semantic, comparative and stylistic methods are used in the course of studying the language material. They allow us to explore the monuments of different cultural traditions in line with the multifunctionality and polysemanticism of the so-called hybrid literature of the XVI century. The most characteristic features of the monuments are documented: contamination of colloquial and everyday elements, command speech and Church Slavonicisms; the use of biblical intertexts; reflection of high and low in the semantics of verbal turns; emotive fullness of language as a new rhetorical technique in the communicative space of the Old Russian text. The conclusion is made about the ambiguity of language processes in the heyday of bilingualism in Moscovite Rus’ of the XVI century, about the change and complication of bilingualism due to the growth of intercultural ties in literature, the transformation of the book tradition and the emergence of new speech habits in verbal creativity.

Keywords: bilingualism, Moscovite Rus’, Old Russian text, Church Slavonic language, polemical writings, semantics, rhetoric.



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