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UDC 82.09-3:808.1 DOI 10.20339/978-5-905998-07-2-2021-1-224Zl
Zlotchevskaya A. V. Mystical Metaprose of the 20th Century: genesis and metamorphosis (Herman Hesse — Vladimir Nabokov — Mikhail Bulgakov): academic publication. — Moscow, ALMAVEST, 2021, 224 p. (Library of the journal “Philological Sciences”). Issue 1
ISBN 978-5-905998-07-2
The book by Doctor Philology Zlochevskaya A. V. deals with the phenomenon of “mystical metaprose” of the 20th century. The study is built on the laws of logic: description of phenomenon and its genesis, aesthetic strategy of the three writers, genre model, poetics. The author points out the creative similarity of three writers in their approach to aesthetic and metaphysical problems, their tragic-comic view of the world. |
From the author 9
Introduction 11
Chapter 1. Aesthetics of mystical metaprose
Antirealistic conception of writing 30
“Real life” — imagination — creation 32
“Real life” — imagination — memory 34
Writing as a language game in Nabokov 36
Conception of the art as a game in Hesse, Nabokov, Bulgakov 41
Humor and Satire 44
Aesthetic concepts of Hesse, Nabokov, Bulgakov 46
Chapter 2. Mystical Metanovel Genre
Writing as world creation 48
Three-dimensional model of the world 50
Typology of the main character’s image in a mystical metanovel 52
Artistic metareality of the novels 59
“Steppenwolf ” 59
“The Gift” 65
“Master and Margarita” 94
Artistic and historical truth in mystical metaprose 99
Concept of “historical personality” 99
“Artistic dreams” about Goethe and Mozart 103
Myth and Reality. “Pontius Pilate” 107
“Life of Chernyshevsky” 115
Typology of Nabokov’s and Bulgakov’s “inner texts” 125
Concept of a person in Hesse, Nabokov, Bulgakov 127
Chapter 3. Game Poetics of Mystical Metaprose
“Looking-glass” imagery 134
Looking glasses and through looking glasses in the novels of Hesse,
Nabokov, Bulgakov 136
Paradoxes of literary chronotope 147
Intertextuality and reminiscences 158
Reminiscent-allusionary orientation to the past 166
“Steppenwolf ” 166
“The Gift” 169
“Master and Margarita” 170
Image of the Author: riddles, brain-teasers, rebusers 182
“Steppenwolf ” 182
“Master and Margarita” 184
“The Gift” 190
Conclusion 206
Bibliography 209
Subject Index 223