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Mythosemantics of Abraham image in the art world of I.A. Bunin

I.S. Uryupin
80,00 ₽

УДК 821.161.-3


Uryupin Igor S.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Russian Literature

of the XX–XXI centuries Department

Moscow Pedagogical State University



The article in the historical, literary and philosophical and cultural aspects analyzes the mythosemantics of the image of Abraham, which occupies one of the central places in the artistic world of I.A. Bunin. On the material in the essay and prose of the writer, the mythosuggestive potential is revealed not only of the precedent phenomenon, which is the very name of the Hebrew forefather, but also of the biblical text about the ancestor of all peoples as a whole. Accumulating sacred meanings associated with the Old Testament patriarch in the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions, I.A. Bunin actualizes various mythosugets and mythomotifs dating back to the Holy Scriptures: the marriage of Abraham and Sarah, projecting on the history of Adam and Eve, Abraham’s good news about the birth of Isaac Particular attention is paid to the comprehension of the meal of Abraham — the Old Testament Trinity, which was extremely important for I.A. Bunin.

Keywords: I.A. Bunin, Abraham, mythosemantics, case law, biblical text in Russian literature.



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