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The world of childhood in poetry by F. García Lorca: representation in Russian translation

O.A. Moskalenko
80,00 ₽

UDC 821.134.2-1


Moskalenko Olga A.,

Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor of the Theory and

Practice of Translation Department of

Institute of Social Sciences and International Relations

Sevastopol State University



The article is devoted to a comparative analysis of translation Garcia Lorca’s verses from the series “Canciones para niños”. The author suggests to give up on understanding the work of the Spanish poet as tragic and pay attention on the phenomenon of “bright joy” in his works. The world of childhood is a core uniting many poems. “Canciones para niños” is distinguished by duality both at the level of structure and content, which is achieved by combining folklore motifs from the childhood with the adult symbolism of traditional images for Garcia Lorca. It should be noted that the "cold" color scheme, metal, monochrome are dominant: in this way the poet creates the mirror effect between the world of childhood and the world of adulthood. Light, weightless tunes are intended for children, and the cold world behind the looking glass is made for adults, for the “generation of 27” with whom Garcia Lorca determined the creative trajectories of the new era. А translator faces a difficult task: to convey the ambivalence of images, preserving the simplicity and playful laconicism of the form for young readers, revealing the deep tragedy of the disappointments of growing up for their parents.

Keywords: image of childhood, reception, folklore, mythologeme, metaphor, duality.



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