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Pankeev I.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie SMI: ucheb. posobie dlia studentov vuzov. Moscow: Aspekt Press, 2019. 376 s. ISBN: 978-5-7567-1010-6 |
Inshakova Nataliya G.,
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Theory and Methodology Edit Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University
e-mail: inshakovamgu@yandex.ru
The basic requirements for modern educational literature for higher education are set. An assessment of the subject-thematic content of the book, the features of its structure and forms of presentation of the material from the standpoint of the strategic objectives of higher education is given. The important characteristics of the new manual, which determine its compliance with the parameters of the current educational publication, are noted.
Keywords: competence-based approach, high education, university textbook, characteristics of an educational publication.
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