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V. Scott’s novel “Puritans” in the context of I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

K.K. Pavlovich

UDC 82.091

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.094


Pavlovich Kristina K.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Russian as a Foreign Language Department

National Research Tomsk State University



The article describes the study of typological connections between the novel Puritans by Walter Scott and Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov. For the first time, these literary texts are considered through the prism of depiction as an artistic and aesthetic category, based on the genre system of fine arts. The name of the “Scottish sorcerer” is found in every novel of Goncharov’s trilogy (Ordinary History (1847), Oblomov (1859), The Precipice (1869). Most often, numerous landscapes can be found both on the pages of Scott’s and Goncharov’s novels. These landscape paintings are brought together by the plasticity of the image, decorativeness, careful detailing, epic manner and coloristic features. When creating idyllic landscapes, the Russian writer is guided by Scott’s style, combining both “high” poetic and everyday life within the framework of one image. Important in this regard are the landscapes of the famous ninth chapter of Oblomov’s Dream and as well as the pictures of Scott’s nature scattered throughout the text. In addition to the interdisciplinary genre of landscape, the authors have similar portrait descriptions (Oblomov and Milnwood). A special place in these novels is occupied by everyday scenes that convey the color of everyday life, the poeticization of reality , which is an important aesthetic category for both Russian and Scottish writers. They are in the spirit of the Flemish tradition. In addition, both novels are related by the typological similarity of storylines and characters (main and secondary).

Keywords: Goncharov, Scott, “Oblomov”, “Puritans”, depiction.



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