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Euphemisms and disphemisms in the Russian language consciousness

K.E. Agafonova

UDC 811.161.1`37

DOI  10.20339/PhS.6-23.014


 Agafonova Kristina E.,

Candidate of Pedagogy, Lecturer

Institute of the Russian Language

Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia



The cognitive-communicative linguistics studies, in particular, meta-sense, i.e. everything expressed indirectly and implied in oral and written texts. The range of interests of cognitive linguistics includes the problems of understanding and applying meta-sense in figures of indirect communication. Also, linguists focus on the problem of understanding and application of these hidden linguistic means on the knowledge, behavior and emotions of communication participants. To reveal the meta-sense in texts, we use practices of cognitive-communicative linguistics. The article presents examples of the semantic-synonymous scales created by the pretext programs of euphemisation and disphemisation of oral and written speech. The study also demonstrates how the processes of euphemization and dysphemization can affect entire texts, giving them a negative or positive modality.

Keywords: cognitive-communicative linguistics, euphemism, disphemism, meta-sense, hidden meanings, speech strategies and tactics, pretext-stimulus, semantic-synonymous scale, linguistic consciousness and subconsciousness.



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