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“As if we have exchanged our fates with you”: artistic dialogue between N.S. Gumilev and S.M. Gorodetsky

A.V. Filatov
80,00 ₽

UDC 82.161.1-1                    


Filatov Anton V.,

Candidate of Philology, Lecturer of the Theory of Literature Department Lomonosov Moscow State University;

Senior Scientific Researcher

Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



The article examines the poems of N.S. Gumilyov and S.M. Gorodetsky, forming an artistic dialogue that reflects the development of their literary relations during the existence of the literary association “The Guild of Poets” and Acmeism founded by them. It is noted that most of this dialogue is presented on the pages of the literary magazine “Hyperborean” (1912–1913), which was the printing organ of “The Guild”. The aim of the work is to show how the theoretical provisions of Acmeism are embodied in the works of its leaders dedicated to each other. The unifying idea of Gorodetsky’s poems “Since in Flame and Smoke…” and Gumilyov’s “To Departing One” is the idea of exchanging the fates. It is intended to demonstrate to demonstrate the dialectical unity of two syndics’ aesthetic views, in a situation where mutual influence transforms the personality and creativity of both poets. It is shown for the first time that the intensification of contradictions between Acmeists led to the destruction of this dialogue, which at the textual level was reflected in the change of the named poems when they were re-published in a book edition. It is concluded that there is a significant difference between the magazine and book versions of the works, which arises both by changing the text and by placing it in a new context. As a result, the semantic connections of the poem with its original environment are leveled. Since the book of poems, as a rule, publishes the final version of the work, this allows the author to exclude its original version from the literary process.

Keywords: N. Gumilyov, S. Gorodetsky, “Hyperborean”, magazine, literary relations, dedication, dialogue.



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