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Predicate-frame description of linear semantics of artistic narrative

S.V. Gusarenko, M.C. Gusarenko
80,00 ₽


Gusarenko Sergey V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of the Russian Language Culture Department For Technical Specialties

Humanitarian Institute of the North Caucasus Federal University


Gusarenko Marina С.,

Candidate of Philologу, Associate Professor

of the Romance-Germanic Linguistics and Linguodidactics Department 

Humanitarian Institute of the North Caucasus Federal University



The article presents the results of the study of the linear-semantic structure of the narrative; a model that includes sequences of story-forming predicates and the corresponding linguistic frames is proposed. Suggested to introduce the concept of the standard language semantics of the frame into linguistic circulation. The work based on the material of the stories of Russian and Soviet writers of XX century. Established that throughout the entire narrative fragment that actualizes a certain frame, language expressions are distributed which are carried the values of the terminals of this frame and organizing the structural unity of the narrative. That is, the language expressions belonging to certain terminals of a specific frame structure the narrative, namely, distributed different types of necessary and/or possible components of the frame along its linear structure, largely determining the space-time parameters and cause-effect relations in the corresponding fragment of the narrative, or in the entire narrative. It is concluded that, firstly, the model of an artistic narrative with all of its reductions and generalizations should consist of several levels, as in order to identify typical elements of a narrative in its structure, operations of predicate classification are needed (as well as of deducing/capturing macrostructures, etc.) Secondly, in many cases the model will be a linear junction of structures of different levels. Also concluded that the recognition of the linguistic essence of plot-forming frames opens up the possibility of using their standard meanings for a purely linguistic description of a narrative — without any references to the cognitive aspects of the language.

Keywords: narrative, story-forming predicate, frame, semantic structure, predicate-frame model, standard semantics.



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