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Methods and techniques of national dialogue relations formation in multicultural literature (based on the short story of the 1920s)

A.V. Podobrij

Podobrij Anna Vitalyevna,

Doctor of Phylology, Associate Professor

The Russian Language and Literature and Methods of Teaching Department

Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University



The literature of the 1920 s gave a rich artistic material in which various national and social cultures combined  and  interfered each other. In this paper we propose a method for text analysis written in the Russian language, but including a dialogue of different ethnic groups.

Кey words: cultural dialogue, multicultural literature, subculture, alien culture, Russian culture.



1. Sorokin Yu.А. Metod ustanovleniya lakun kak odin iz sposobov vyyavleniya spetsifiki lokal'nykh kul'tur // Natsional'no-kul'turnaya spetsifika rechevogo povedeniya. — M.: Nauka, 1977.

2. Makovskij M.M. Sravnitel'nyj slovar' mifologicheskoj simvoliki v indoevropejskikh yazykakh: Obraz mira i miry obrazov. — M.: Gumanit. izd. tsentr «VLАDOS», 1996.