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Methods and techniques of national dialogue relations formation in multicultural literature (based on the short story of the 1920s)

A.V. Podobrij
80,00 ₽

Podobrij Anna Vitalyevna,

Doctor of Phylology, Associate Professor

The Russian Language and Literature and Methods of Teaching Department

Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University



The literature of the 1920 s gave a rich artistic material in which various national and social cultures combined  and  interfered each other. In this paper we propose a method for text analysis written in the Russian language, but including a dialogue of different ethnic groups.

Кey words: cultural dialogue, multicultural literature, subculture, alien culture, Russian culture.



1. Sorokin Yu.А. Metod ustanovleniya lakun kak odin iz sposobov vyyavleniya spetsifiki lokal'nykh kul'tur // Natsional'no-kul'turnaya spetsifika rechevogo povedeniya. — M.: Nauka, 1977.

2. Makovskij M.M. Sravnitel'nyj slovar' mifologicheskoj simvoliki v indoevropejskikh yazykakh: Obraz mira i miry obrazov. — M.: Gumanit. izd. tsentr «VLАDOS», 1996.