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Archetypal synthesis of the East and the West in the historical and cultural space of M.A. Bulgakov’s play Flight

I.S. Uryupin

Uryupin Igor S.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor at the Department

of Russian 20th century Literature and Foreign Literature

I.A. Bunin Yelets State University



The article focuses on the analysis of the archetypal space of M.A. Bulgakov’s play Flight considered in a broad historical and literary context. This space  incorporates the ontological and cultural “signs” and “symbols” of the East and the West, seen through the lens of the Russian national worldview. Crimea turns out to be a synthesis of the East and the West in the play the stage of the first act of the Russian state  history (the baptism of Prince Vladimir), as well as the locale of  its final act — the flight-exodus of the “White Guard” into exile. The fate of Russian exiles, their ordeal in the East and the West are presented in the play in the image of “cockroach races”, going back to Russian folklore and acting as a symbol of the meaningless and at the same time dramatic existence of Russian intelligentsia away from home.

Keywords: M.A. Bulgakov, Flight, archetypal space, the Crimean text, synthesis of East and West.


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