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Is Tyutchev a Slavophile?

A.V. Antyukhov, A.L. Golovanevsky

Antyukhov Andrey V.,

Rector of Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Honored Worker of Higher School,

Head of the Chair of Russian, Foreign Literature and Journalism,

Faculty of Philology

Golovanevsky Arcady L.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Honourable Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation,

Chairmen of the Russian Language,

Faculty of Philology

Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky


The article touches upon the questions of Tyutchev's philosophical and world outlook characteristics. In the course of long ideological fight the names “Slavophile”, “Slavophilism”, “Westerner”, “Populist”, and the words similar to them could not acquire the true scientific value comprising all the scientific potential (including linguistic) of the term. So far they are more political labels than scientific terms. That is why today we have no unambiguous answer to the question raised in the title.

Keywords: Slavophile, Slavophilism, Populist, empire, Europe, Russia, civilization.


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7. Kozhinov V.V. Ot redaktora / Tainnik nochi. Zarubezhnaya Rossiya i Tyutchev [From the editor / Night’s hiding place. Foreign Russia and Tyutchev]. — M.: Life and thought, 2008. — Pp. 371—378. (rus.)

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20. Terapiano Yu.K. K yubileyu Tyutcheva / Tainnik nochi. Zarubezhnaya Rossiya i Tyutchev [To Tyutchev's anniversary / Night’s hiding place. Foreign Russia and Tyutchev]. — M.: Life and thought, 2008. — Pp. 255—263.(rus.)

21. Tikhomirov L. Chto takoe narodnichestvo / Russkoe obozrenie [What is populism / Russian review]. — M., 1892. — No. 12. — Pp. 914—926. (rus.)

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23. Tolstoy N.I. O kurse istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka akademika V.V. Vinogradova / Ocherki po istorii russkogo literaturnogo yazyka XVII—XIX vekov [About Academician V.V. Vinogradov’s course of history of the Russian literary language / Sketches on the history of the Russian literary language of the XVII—XIX centuries]. — M.: Higher School, 1982. — Pp. 3—9. (rus.)

24. Tyutchev F.I. Polnoe sobranie stikhotvoreniy [Complete collection of poems]. — Leningrad: The Soviet writer, 1987. — 448 pp. (rus.)

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26. Florovsky G.V. Tyutchev i Vladimir Solovyev / Tainnik nochi. Zarubezhnaya Rossiya i Tyutchev [Tyutchev and Vladimir Solovyev / Night’s hiding place. Foreign Russia and Tyutchev]. — M.: Life and thought, 2008. — Pp. 124—145. (rus.)

27. Khodasevich V.F. O Tyutcheve / Tainnik nochi. Zarubezhnaya Rossiya i Tyutchev [About Tyutchev / Night’s hiding place. Foreign Russia and Tyutchev]. — M.: Life and thought, 2008. — Pp. 77—86. (rus.)

28. Khomyakov A.S. O vozmozhnosti russkoy khudozhestvennoy shkoly / Russkaya estetika i kritika 40—50-kh godov XIX veka [About the possibilities of the Russian art school / Russian esthetics and criticism of the 40—50s of the XIX century]. — M.: Art, 1982. (rus.)