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“Selected Poems and Translations”: conceptual integrity of the books of the mounting type

N.V. Barkovskaya

Barkovskaya Nina V.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor,

Head of Modern Russian Literature Department

Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia



A comparative analysis of books by M. Jasnov “Ambidekstr” and B. Dubin “Poruka” (“The Surety”), including the authors both selected poems and the translations, is undertaken in the article. Parameters of lyric book organization analyzed as a complex art unity: design, sections architectonic, cross-cutting theme, and the title metaphor. Found a certain similarity in the settings of the authors and differences in the interpretation of the poet and poetry.

Keywords: book of poems, M. Jasnov, B. Dubin, cross-cutting theme, poetic translation.


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