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Andrey Ivanov — literary heir of Henry Miller

A.Al. Astvatsaturov

Astvatsaturov Andrey Al.,

Ph.D. Candidate of Philology, professor,

Department of History of Foreign literatures of Philological facility

Saint Petersburg State University



The paper deals with the influence of the cult American writer Henry Miller (1891—1980) and US literary tradition behind him, on the work of contemporary Russian-speaking writer Andrei Ivanov (b. 1971), author of the novels “Journey to Lolland Hanuman”, “Bizar”, “ Ash “,” Harbin moths”and others. The analysis will identify similar biographical circumstances of both authors that put them in the situation of outsidedness, otherness in relation to the culture in which they find themselves. Impact of tradition, represented by Mille on Ivanov, the similarities between the authors found in the structural organization of the two writers of novels, in their autobiographical nature, and in the usage of the same techniques. The article will also be considered a fundamental difference in relation of the two authors to the world and to a man, the acceptance of the world that Miller demonstrates and the idea of life as a burden, peculiar characters A. Ivanova.

Keywords: autobiography, diary, memoirs, narrative, emigration.



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