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About the similarity and difference in the use of passive in Russian and Turkish speech

M.E. Dubrovina

UDC 811.161.1`36+811.512.161`36                        


Dubrovina Margarita E.,

Candidate of Philology,

Associate Professor of the Turkic Philology Department

St. Petersburg State University



The author of the article conducts a comparative study of the use of forms of the passive voice in Turkish and Russian speech. In the course of scientific analysis, striking differences are found in the use of verb forms expressing the meaning of the passive. The Russian language has several ways of expressing this, the Turkish language is more consistent in this respect and conveys the meaning of suffering in one way, and adheres to the regularity in the use of voice forms in speech. The author demonstrates various language strategies in coding the same mental content, which can help in understanding the language mechanisms themselves, as well as facilitate the perception of the complex grammatical meaning of the passive for speakers of opposite languages for more effective mastering of a foreign language. The author conducts research within the framework of system linguistics, believing that the reason for the language ways of expressing a particular meaning should be sought in the determinant of language types. The Russian language is an inflectional language, the Turkish language is included in the group of agglutinative languages. Different ways of expressing the meaning of the passive are rooted in a different grammatical principle: Russian speakers have a set of pre-prepared ways of expression, while Turkish speakers have a set of separate morphemes, from which they form a word form at the moment of speaking.

Keywords: systems linguistics, G.P. Melnikov, voice category, passive voice, active, passive, passive constructions, Turkish language, grammar of Turkic languages.



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