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“The Fiery Symphony”: Novels by Andrey Bely and Gustav Meyrink through typological perspective

N.G. Sharapenkova

UDC 821.161.1.091-3          


Sharapenkova Natalia G.,

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor,

Head of the German Philology and Scandinavian Studies Department

Petrozavodsk State University



The article brings to the attention of a highly urgent problem of modern literature — the studying of transitional, milestones periods in the history of world literature. In this regard the author researches new value orientations and features of poetics by Andrey Bely and Gustav Meyrink, Russian and Austrian modernist writers of the early XX century. The comparative method, which was applied in the studying, allowed to determine more clearly national specificities of ideostyles of each writer, define similarities and opposite focuses of the writers’ intentions. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the “fiery theme” (motives of fire, flame, sun) in Andrey Bely’s novel Moscow” and Gustav Meyrink’s novel “The Golem”. The article examines the connection of the fire, presented in a wide Сhristian, mythological, occult-kabalistic and anthroposophical contexts, and a spiritual rebirth of “heroes of the path” (Y.M. Lotman), a scientist, Ivan Korobkin, and a carver of the stones, Atanasius Pernat. The author suggests one of the ways of “reading” (interpretation) of the most complicated and complex novels of the XX century, which allows in Russian literary studies to build the evolution of Andrey Bely and Gustav Meyrink as novelists and, moreover, to define literary Russian-Austrian convergences in greater detail. The current article presents the long-term work of the author — a specialist in the field of Andrey Bely studies, as well as in determining the features of non-dogmatic spirituality of writers.

Keywords: Andrey Bely, novel “Moscow”, Gustav Meyrink, novel “The Golem”, element of fire, occultism, anthroposophy, oneyropoetics.



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